I had no idea this 4 pack existed until a few weeks ago. As I've previously mentioned, my first Star Wars toys were hand me down vintage figures. Later on I would get Bend-ems and the Micro Machines sets, but the vintage figures were my Star Wars figures until Power of the Force 2 came out. Apparently, this pack was released ahead of their arrival in a way to both build anticipation and also create a neat throw back for classic fans. If I had known about this, I would have been ALL over it. I only had Hoth Han Solo and Bespin Luke in my collection at the time so having these versions of the two would have been amazing. I didn't even have a Chewbacca or a Darth Vader, so yeah. I would have bought this. I probably would have bought two, one to open and one to keep as a memento. Star Wars toys were just so rare at the time that the idea of having one complete in package would have been a piece of art for me. I had been watching some of these on ebay for awhile but I finally found ...