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Mega Bloks Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 - Big Update

This will be a big update, as I had quite a few things all arrive around the same time!

1 - Titanus..??

Starting this collection began a massive Ebay search on my part to find other things that could help fill it out, specifically, something for Titanus. It didn't take along to find out that in 2003, Mega Bloks made a Brachio Zord for the Dino Thunder series. At first, the color scheme had me feeling a little iffy... but then I remembered that there had also been a special Titanus toy with similar colors. 

Here it is compared with some other Zords. Obviously, the scale works pretty well.

The Brachio Zord was supposed to function as a Command Center and Carrier, so it has some opening compartments. These were intended for minifigure sized Zords but they obviously work with the Rangers too.

2 - Megazord

My second Megazord arrived this week. Even though I had already purchased one to make my custom Mastodon and Pterodactyl Zords, this thing still impressed me.

The articulation on this thing is amazing, especially for something aimed at the early childhood age. The Megazord has rocking ankles, full rotation, and is VERY stable. The head swivels on a ball joint and the arms and legs have the same mobility as the individual Zords since it makes use of the shared torso piece. The wrists swivel and the shoulder armor can raise to not impede on the arm movement.

The Megazord also comes with a Power Sword that can snap to its back when not in use. No Mastodon shield but I should be able to make one using the extra pieces I have from the previous Megazord I purchased mixed with other Legos/Mega Bloks.

You have probably also noticed in these pictures that the Megazord can hold Rangers in his chest compartment. You have to pop the chestplate off to find three pegs that fit the holes in the back of the Rangers, a la G.I. Joe. Only downside, besides not being able to house the whole team, is that the chest plate connects a little too tightly. I circumvented this by adding a thin lego piece inbetween to make it easier to open and close. The space created is hardly noticeable and gets the job done. You will also see that the Megazord came with a Red Ranger with the Gold Shield from when Tommy lost his powers the first time and gave it to Jason.

Here is the Megazord with the bigger Zords and the individual Zords. I'm still toying with the Dragonzord to find a nice middle ranged height.

  3 - Pink Ranger, Translucent Red Ranger

Even though this line is going on 3 years, there are still plenty of blind bags out there to collect. It took 15 bags and a lot of putties and Tommys, but I finally scored a Pink Ranger and completed my team. I also found the Translucent Red Ranger. I'm not sure what plan was here, but I am guessing that if the line continued, you could collect all of the rangers as translucent variants. It's a shame because they could easily stand in for the Movie version of the Rangers.

Here are some team pictures, a battle picture and a shot of the team at the Command Center.

4 - Custom Rita Repulsa

As with any custom, I'm not entirely happy with this but based on the parts I have been able to find, this what I have right now. I utilized the Disney Lego Maleficent for her hair/headpiece. 

Here she is with Goldar, Putties and the Green Ranger. On her own, its kind of meh, but with the others she bears a passable likeness.

I still have a few other customs in mind and I have yet to open a Lord Zedd. Until then, the Ebaying continues!


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