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Mega Construx Masters of the Universe - Battle for Eternia 5 Pack

Growing up in the late 80's and early 90's, I was able to enjoy the best of both decades. One of my all time favorites has always been Masters of the Universe. I grew up with the original toys all handed down to me by older cousins and I consumed all else that I could find. Secret of the Sword was a frequent Blockbuster rental at my house. On my 10th Birthday, a friend of mine tracked down a He-Man and Masters of the Universe cartoon VHS tape that I treasured. He even wrapped it in MOTU wrapping paper that I was very sad to have to rip open. I wasn't a fan of the New Adventures cartoon but my brother and I were sure to grab He-Man, Skeletor, and Flipshot from K B Toys. I watched as much of the 2002 series as I could but never was able to finish it until the DVDs were released.

In 2008, I jumped in with everyone else on Masters of the Universe Classics. I was never able to subscribe but I cherry picked more than my fair share and jumped on every Matty Collector holiday sale. At this point, I have more of the figures than I ever thought I would get and beyond the super rares (Fisto), I feel mostly finished with the line. These days, I have mostly focused on lego type figures, due to the size and ease of customizing, so you know that I will be all over this new line from Mega Construx. Frankly, I'm just glad to see Mattel keeping the line out there in various ways.

As to the figures, these things are pretty cool. 

The 5 pack includes He-Man, Teela, Skeletor, Beastman, and Faker. They all come with accessories and display stands.

Another cool feature is a fold up art packet made to resemble the mini comics. When you unfold it, you have one side that features instructions but the other side has a lot of Mini Comic and Carback art. It is a nice little pack in.

Unlike the Power Rangers series, these figures share the Call of Duty and Halo articulation. That means they are super poseable but also more fragile. I can already notice some of the joints feeling loose. The armor is rubbery and mostly removable but also very sturdy. It won't fall off on its own. Skeletor, Faker and He-man's armor all share a space in the back of their armor to hold swords.

The figures are very detailed and have great paint apps. The best thing, however, is the price point - Twenty Dollars for the 5 pack. Even online resellers have it going at $30. Considering the price of a Classics figure these days, this is a big point in the Mega Construx column. I'm very impressed and can't wait to get more. There is also a Wind Raider set with He-Man and Skeletor with different accessories, as well as Man at Arms and Evil-Lyn.


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