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Kenner Silverhawks

Around 1990, my family moved to Indiana, near my mom's hometown. Every so often, we would go shopping at the local mall with my Grandparents. During that first year, we visited Kay Bee Toys and they had a giant lot of Silverhawks that they were liquidating. At this time, neither my brother or I really knew what they were but we were immediately captivated by what we saw. We walked out of the store that day with Quicksilver, Flashback, Mon*Star, Mumbo Jumbo, Buzz Saw, Mo-Lec-U-Lar, and the giant Tallyhawk. Not a bad haul at all! 

Even without knowing the backstory, we really enjoyed these figures. My mom was really great at keeping her finger on the pulse of what interested us and always kept an eye out for things that would fit the bill. Not much later, she found a Silverhawks coloring book that covered the story of Darkbird. This book was my first real introduction to the world of Silverhawks.

I broke my childhood Quicksilver but kept the other figures in pretty good condition. As the years went on, my interests went to things that were more readily available - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, Batman, G.I.Joe, Transformers, and Masters of the Universe. When my younger brothers were born, my Silverhawks figures were passed on to them. Flashback and Mo-Lec-U-Lar would go on to break and Mumbo Jumbo's horns would disappear but Mon*Star, Buzz Saw, and Tallyhawk would persevere. 

When I went to college, Warner Brothers began to release some of the episodes online through an early streaming system. Always one for nostalgia, I was sucked back into the world of Silverhawks and appreciated finally being able to take in the true experience. I began to scour ebay for the toys but quickly learned that collecting Silverhawks was sobering to your bank account. However, a few years later, WB finally released the series in two volumes which I was quick to pick up. 

Recently, as a collector, I've been taking an inventory of everything I have and what things I really want. To the dismay of some, I'm sure, I decided to begin selling off my Masters of the Universe Classics figures. I've discussed my reasoning for this elsewhere but, staying on topic, the figures have retained their value well. I've been able to take some of the money I've made and start putting that towards finally enjoying the Silverhawks figures. 

Quicksilver is an expensive figure but I decided to buy one that had some wear, sand it down, and repaint it myself.

I LUCKED out on a Copper Kidd in perfect condition for $30.

This Ultrasonic Steelwill is also in really great condition. Only missing his gun and some paint above his lip. That will be an easy touch up one day.

This might be a cardinal sin for some collectors, but I found a MOC Condor last year for $65. I kept him on card for over a year before deciding to go for it.

My local retro shop had Bluegrass. Some minor paint chipping and missing his hat.

Stargazer was another figure I was able to pick up in great condition.

As a true child at heart, I like to mix toys around and utilize my imagination. This Gargoyles Eliza really fits well with the line. In my head, she is now Raven. A former Penal Planet guard and partner to Condor.

My childhood Tallyhawk is still in great condition, with just some minor discoloration on the torso.

I always loved how the eyes changed to red when he was ready to shoot his missile.

I am using Wolverine's Mutant Cycle for Stargazer's Space Cycle. I had to whittle away some of it to make room for his legs. I still might give it a new paint job to reflect its look in the show.

My childhood Buzz Saw has some weird black spots that developed on his legs. Not entirely sure if dirt, mold, or just discoloration. If I ever find a better one for cheap, this will be a quick replacement.

Mon*Star held up the best of any of my childhood figures. All the joints are stiff and all of the plastic looks great.

I finally gave Mon*Star his rifle with the help of Spy Monkey Creations Glyos Armory sets. (I'm holding off on adding Mumbo Jumbo to this article until I get his horns replaced.)

Not only did I finally get horns for Mumbo Jumbo but I modded the knees on my original figure so that he can stand to his true height. Makes a world of difference.

Despite ebay's best efforts, I found a Hardware MOC for $67.


I wanted to try and show off his action feature, but Prowler shoots out of there WAY too fast. Even at 5% speed you can barely detect his shadow firing out. Spring loaded weapons were pretty cool.

I decided to start making some custom figures that were never produced. I used a Robocop Chainsaw and a Batman Forever Robin to create Time Stopper and an Alfred to create Poker Face. I'm still working out a way for Melodia, Zero, and Professor Power.

I was able to make Zero the Memory Thief using a Gargoyles Brooklyn. Just cut off his horns, painted his hair, and added a robe.

I made Melodia using a TMNT April, her skirt from the Ravishing Reporter version, the rock and roll Donnie variant's keytar. I made her sunglasses using extra pieces from the keytar.

I decided to use a Foot Clan vehicle for the Mob's Space limo.

(Image via ToyRewind)

It stinks that we never got the planned Hawk Haven playset but I decided to create my own in diorama form.

 Black foam board, Tallyhawk, a space themed table cloth, and the exterior pieces to my Schleich castle works well for the outside.

Toy Hax backgrounds came in handy for the inside.

So if Bird Themed Space Police patrolling a universe that follows its own Physics and Laws of Science is your thing, I suggest you give Silverhawks a chance. I know that a lot of people dog it online but they need to learn to grow up and appreciate fantasy. And I apologize for a lot of the gloomy pictures. I'm still figuring out how best to photograph Silverhawks without overexposing them with flash. 


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