Any X-Men fan will agree on how cool the Sentinels are. They would rank in the top 10 of any X-Men villain list, easily. And if you poll X-Men the Animated Series fans, they will tell you how great the first season was with the premiere episode, Night of the Sentinels and the season finale, The Final Decision. The entire show was sold to us on the danger of these machine menaces.
For whatever reason, I was never able to ahold of one of the Sentinel figures as a kid. We were just bombarded with so much coolness growing up that it was hard to get everything out there. Luckily, my adulthood has been filled with second chances. I picked up my first Sentinel this fall from Ebay. It was in wonderful condition and I can't wait to pick up a few more. Just really cool toys.
Retractable capture claw snatches Mutants and reels them in.
Hitting the head reveals mutants being held captive inside the Sentinel. Poor Morph.
The left fist can be launched to smash down some troublesome Mutants.
However, Mutants can take the Sentinels off their feet by attacking their knees.
When you add Nimrod and Ahab to the mix, you have quite the Mutant hunting task force growing.
Fastball special, coming up!
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