My fifth Super 7 MOTU set came in the mail today, Trap Jaw and Mer-Man! I've not liked everything in these releases. I think what honestly pulls me in on the figures that I do purchase are the head sculpts. Both of these guys have great faces that are truly upgrades over their vintage counterparts.

The card art is wonderful as always.
Again, look at that face. This is the real winning element here, however other parts are not perfect. The hands and feet look like someone took a vintage figure, covered it with sculpey, and painted over it. Otherwise, everything else is fine. Stance problem from Man at Arms and Beast Man is non-existent here.
Trap Jaw is an almost perfect figure, the legs are little thin but I like the rest of the sculpt. Seriously, how great is that face?
You'll notice his claw hand is a littler thinner than the vintage claw.
Now you have probably noticed the belt. This is why the figure is almost perfect. There are clips on the hand attachments but nowhere to hang them on the belt. I know that Roboto didn't have a place for his weapons but, c'mon, if the vintage figure did then so should this one. Luckily, I still had mine. Problem solved.
With the new MOTU Origins line beginning and this one ending, I'm honestly kind of sad. The last figure I have pre-ordered is Shadow Weaver but I was really hoping for a new King Randor and Sorceress. Plus it would have been nice to even get a Queen Marlena or an extension to the Powers of Grayskull line. Oh well. This line wasn't perfect by any means but I enjoyed it immensely. I've even sold off most of my MOTUC collection. The rest is still in the process of being listed on ebay. So, Super 7, thanks for helping me love 5.5 figures again!
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