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Wayne Manor/X-Mansion

Batman and the X-Men were the two biggest and best superhero cartoons of the 90's. They were also the two biggest action figure brands of the 90's. While the X-Men did have some cool playsets, they never really had a Mansion playset. Batman, on the other hand, did.

Starting with Batman Returns, this playset would be reused many times and with many different color schemes. Unfortunately, it wasn't until my days as an adult collector that I would realize how perfect it would be for an X Mansion. 5 years ago I was lucky enough to find one on Ebay in pretty good condition for under $30. A great deal, if you ask me! 

As a teacher, I used to hold a Comic Book Club after school and I used this as a display in my room. Later on, I switched grades to Kindergarten. I didn't really think it fair to keep toys in my room that children that age couldn't play with, so I brought it home and sold off most of my X-Men. Recently, I decided to get back into the X-Men game but I really want to focus on the early Toy Biz scale. Figures that were 4-5" and slim, nothing bulky like the later waves of X-Men.

The school grounds, perfect for team bonding... and also as the backdrop for attacks.

The humble interior, home for friendly interaction and mutant brooding.

The command center/war room for the team. Convenient location for Cerebro and a containment center.

The back of Wayne Manor makes a great Danger Room. You could even line it up with the early Danger Room sets, which I love. I can only imagine what could have been if they hadn't revamped the line after that. How cool would it have been to have modular Danger Rooms for every X-Man?

They say a house is not a home but its always nice to have a place to be with family.


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