I don't think I need to spend any time letting readers know anything about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And that is to the franchise's compliment. Like EVERYONE else in the late 80's/early 90's I loved them and had many of their toys. As I got older, these were quickly passed on to my younger brothers who continue to love them as well. A few years ago, I was gearing up to lead my next session of Comic Book Club at my school and was eyeing TMNT as the focus. During the preparations for the upcoming sessions, I got that old toy hunting itch and started rebuilding my own collection. I'm by no means done as I'm still missing some vitals like April and Splinter and I've always wanted to build my own Triceraton army. However, with all of this extended free time during Quarantine, I decided to get these out and finally add them to my blog. All my heroes and villains. You'll notice that I have Toxic Crusaders and Dick Tracy in the mix. In my head cann...