If you have never heard of Toy Hax, then you have been missing out on something wonderful. This site provides repro labels, mainly Transformers, but also some of the best backgrounds for action figures produced. They have many sub sections, including Masters of the Universe. Each of their designs also come in various sizes to meet your choice of figure scale or type of shelving you utilize for displays. This post will look at the large size Castle Dungeon. The Castle Dungeon is obviously intended be a section of Castle Grayskull. From left to right, there is a descending stairwell, computer console, weapons rack, and prison cell. The cell features dark red eyes in a pitch black room. The floor pieces have to be purchased separately but they are a lovely representation of the stone of Grayskull's floors. I bought these to go with my MOTUC collection that I had in my classroom but I am pleasantly surprised that the large size works alright with the vintage figure...
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