I really hope this isn't my final new 5.5 Masters of the Universe figure. With the news of Super 7 losing the MOTU license becoming official last week, my spirits dipped a tad bit. Yes, I know that Mattel is bringing in a new line but I really wish that Super 7 were allowed to keep their sub line of Filmation figures going. It would have in NO way taken away from what they were planning for the fall. Saying that, I really hope to see a Sorceress in the new line because figures like that are going to be the only ones I really purchase. Anyways, having a Shadow Weaver in this line is really cool. Her levitation stand is a nice touch. We've waited a long time for this sight. I need to get some more Horde Troopers. And can you imagine if we got a Super 7 Catra? Maybe we can get it from the Mattel line? Fingers crossed. Thanks Super 7!