I know a lot of people have had their issues with Super 7 and their handling of the MOTU license. Speaking for myself, I know things haven't been perfect but I have not experienced the same issues that others have had. I've purchased the entire MOTUSCLE line, one of the Power-Con 3 packs, and many of the vintage style figures.
Not everything has been perfect but everything has definitely improved with each release. The Three Terrors were definitely the best figures they have put out from my experience. The Hordak and She-Ra both had issues with their legs being too stiff. From the next wave, I bought Man at Arms and Beastman and I can vouch that that problem has been fixed.
I never owned the vintage Beastman because I hated the face sculpt. The Super 7 face, however, is wonderful. It is not as a great as the 2008 Classics version, but it is miles above the vintage figure.
A great team I always wanted to see.
Beastman will never top He-Man... but the Mighty Panthro could be a better match...
The legs were definitely improved on these figures compared to the Hordak wave but I do have to mention that the plastic on these releases feels a LITTLE bit brittle. They are not as rubbery or malleable as the vintage line and the Terrors. So there is some give and take with them. Also, because of the new leg joints, standing is a bit of an issue, causing the figure to need to be "pigeon toed" at times.
Tom Selleck as Man at Arms
Definitely tops the vintage figure. Especially when it comes to that mace!
The Brothers at Arms
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