Conan has always been a favorite of mine. He is the end all and be all of Barbarian/Fantasy heroes. I got my start, like most, from the Arnold films but later on I would be sucked into the Savage Sword of Conan series by Marvel.

I knew there was a Remco version of the figure but the price point for him has always been too high for me to toss at a single toy.

Funko had planned a Conan series for their Savage World line that I was pretty excited for but that seems to have been scrapped.

Recently, I remembered about the Zoloworld series of toys. I knew about Realm of the Underworld and Pirates of the Galaxseas but I decided to check to see if they had made a figure that looked close enough for me to use.
They had.
Using Champion as my base, and adding on a repainted Primal Age Batman cape, I finally have my Conan the Barbarian. I also gave him a Super Naturals glow in the Dark sword. I always loved this weapon so I was glad to give it to the original hero warrior I always wanted. Now I just need Thundarr.
"Let this be the hour we draw swords together!"
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